Completed projects
List of selected R&D projects we carried out as the main partner or in collaboration with other institutions
„Recycling of lithium-ion batteries. KBFI KIK17988.“
„RENEW. Re-cycling of epoxies from nonferrous e-waste (EIT RawMaterials)“
„RESTA11. Chemical and biochemical valorization technologies of wood biomass.“
„Value-added products of hemp.“ Hemptec OÜ
„Study of blood plasma selenium levels of estonians 2006-2008“ Pharma Nord Eesti OÜ
„Study of microelemental content of Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute experimental field soils and grains“ Jõgeva Plant Breeding Institute (2010)
„Content of selected micro and macro elements in dairy cows’ milk in Estonia“, Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture and Estonian Crop Research Institute (2010)
„Paju biomassi survestatud kuuma veega eeltöötlus- ja sahharifikatsiooniprotsessi jälgimine kapillaarelektroforeesiga“ Biogold OÜ (2010-2012).
„Analytical tests and expert evaluation of the Utility model (criminal case)“ Holzprof OÜ (2011-2012)
„Selenium levels as a marker of colorectal cancer risk“ (2012) Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu
„Antioxidants, selenium and zink in seminal plasma“ Competence Centre on Health Technologies, University of Tartu (2011- 2012)
„Estonian swamps peat and surface water elemental content“ Tallinn University, Institute of Ecology (2012-2016)
„Characterization of bitumen before and after artificial aging using instrumental methods of analysis“, Estonian Road Administration (2014)
„Evaluation and validation of Remote System For Oil Pollution Detection“ Laser Diagnostic Instruments AS (2014)
„Development and validation of a method for determination of antibiotics in human plasma“ North Estonia Medical Centre (2016)
„Development and validation of narcotics tester for on-site analysis“ Estonian Police and Border Guard Board (2016)
„Development and validation of a method for determination of drug residues in soil“ Interchemie Werken de Adelaar Eesti AS (2018)
„Analytical studies of different types of Estonian wood“ Est-For Invest OÜ (2017)
Product quality control - Norma AS, Remei AS, Semtu AS, Vitale OÜ, Cambrex OÜ, Horizon Tselluloosi ja paberi AS, Teligent OÜ, TFTAK AS (2010-2018)
„Bryophytes as indicators of environmental pollution in Tallinn“, Tallinn University (2019)
„Cannabidiol lab-scale extraction and isolation from industrial hemp biomass, process development“, CBD Invest OÜ (2019)
„Optimisation of cannabidiol extraction conditions and solubility measurements“, Hemptec OÜ (2020)
„Studies on semi-industrial scale extraction of hemp, decarboxylation of phytocannabinoids and extract purification from THC“, Hemptec OÜ (2021)
„Characterization tests of oil mixtures for REACH registration“ Portlif Grupp OÜ (2012)
„Characterization of turpentine and talloil using methods of chemical analysis“ Horizon Tselluloosi ja Paberi AS (2010-2013)
„Characterization of shale oil after addition of different amounts of tyres’ rubber to oil shale for the joint conversion“ Eesti Energia AS (2016)
„REACH identification tests for oil-shale bitumen and its fumes“ VKG-Oli AS (2016)
„Characterization of different chemical products for REACH registration using instrumental methods of analysis“ Skeleton (2017-2018)
LEP18070 "The composition of light and middle factions of shale oil by instrumental methods of analysis" (8.08.2018−11.01.2019), EestiEnergia
„Characterization of different chemical products for REACH registration using instrumental methods of analysis“ Aplinkos vadyba UAB (LT) (2015-2023)