Low-ash lignin production technology

R&D Projects

Deashing Kraft lignin (DeAshLignin, DAL)

Scope of the project

The inorganic content (also known as ash content), typically including metal ions, present in Kraft lignin hampers its use in higher-value applications. The production of carbon fiber (CF), carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP), and anode materials require low ash content lignin as raw material. There is thus a great desire to reduce the ash content in kraft lignin significantly below the current level achieved by the industry (LignoBoostÒ and LignoForce™ technologies provide lignin with an ash content of 0.5-3%).

We have developed technology for low-ash content Kraft lignin production (0.01-0.03% ash content), which is environmentally friendly with reduced risk for hazards in the production process. The method could be integrated with already known Kraft lignin separation processes in a simple way.

Patent pending.
